The Stairway to Heaven series of sculptures are about striving for spiritual enlightenment. The striving is symbolically represented by the ladders. In each version of these sculptures, there is an element that reminds us of the condition of being human. These whimsical installations reflect the spirit of the artist and like-minded free-spirited people.

Within this series “A Room of One’s Own” is titled after the famous Virginia Woolf book which at its most fundamental level makes the point that a woman must have a room of her own to be creative. A Room on One’s Own was first published in 1929 from a series of lectures Virginia Woolf presented to the women’s college at the University of Cambridge. In its day, it was a strong feminist statement and it resonates almost 100 years later. "The Crooked Path" sculpture reflects the very nature of life itself with its twists and turns and challenges that test us. As Helen Keller courageously said "the bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn." "Upside Down" is another reflection of being human. While life is hard, it is also joyful, here represented by the ladders being upside down and yet they dance! "Earth Bound" suggests the equanimity which can be achieved through regular meditation practice. "Ou Est'Elle?" is a nod to flirtatious feminine energy and "Ascension" captures the striving for spiritual enlightenment while being incarnated as a woman.

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